07 April 2009

Ethan and Emily go to school

A little while ago, we picked up two bottle lambs. They are Katahdin/wool crosses, so they are definitely meat sheep (Katahdins are hair sheep, and the cross breed sheep don't have fleece that is useable for spinning) - we aren't having the most productive lambing season ever, so we figured we might need a few extra sheep around come fall.

Anyway, The Reluctant Farmer also wanted to take some sheep to visit the school ... and bottle lambs are perfect for that. He and The Boy took the two lambs to Dinosaur Boy's school a couple of weeks back, and the kids in the class chose names for them. These two are now known as Ethan and Emily!

They will go back for another visit and the kids in the class will measure and see how much they have grown. Hopefully on their next visit they won't eat the artwork off the walls!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 pm

    lovely art work in this classroom! I'm sure the kids will be delighted to have the second visit from Ethan and Emily!


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