Quite something to see moose up close like that!
At the public spekaing competition, The Boy did an amazingly good job with his presentation on Alternative Energy. He had to write and present a speech that was 3-5 minutes in length, on any subject he chose. He talked about solar and wind power, including how we use solar power at our place and how we would like to add a wind generator to get power when there is no sun. He also had to do an impromptu speech where he gets a topic picked at random, he has one minute to prepare, and then has to speak for one full minute on the selected subject. In the end, he and another boy (a year older than he is) tied for second place and they had to do a *second* impromptu speech as a tiebreaker! The Boy came in third of seven competitors in his age group, but it was a very close call. He did an excellent job and was complimented by the judges for his delivery, research and the 'personal angle' he brought to the subject. It was a very exciting day, if a long one.