09 July 2015

Where we’ll be in October

Watch this – it’s long, and TOTALLY worth it.

Click here: >> https://vimeo.com/69986476

The Reluctant Farmer and I are going on a holiday! For real! Far away! With passports and everything!


  1. Anonymous3:49 pm

    Mitchells are Irish and Grandma Mc Cowan Cunningham was Irish...enjoy your trip...How long in a foreign land?

  2. 10 days ... Where was Grandma McCowan Cunningham from? We'll be out and about a fair bit! :D

  3. Anonymous3:46 pm

    family originated in Ulster...about 30 miles east of the city of Londonderry in the valley of the river Bann just south of the town of Coleraine. I took that tidbit from the "Hunter" geneology. She was a grandchild of Fleming Hunter and Hannah Brown. The reputed place of origin of David Hunter was the parish of Aghadowey...


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