22 June 2014

Kitchen cleanup

I decided today was an Ikea day.

I drove all the way to the city, went into Ikea, and picked up the things I’d scoped out online before heading to town. Drove back home, installed the things where I’d envisioned them, and voila: a cleaner kitchen.

Photo 2014-06-22, 6 44 44 PM

Photo 2014-06-22, 6 43 47 PM

The two metal bars run from one side of the window to the other and support a variety of things from s-hooks: little buckets for the scrubbies and sink plugs, the commonly used spatulas and spoons and tongs, the big funnel. The top rail will have my milk pail suspended from it … it just happened to be in the dishwasher at the time I took the picture.

There’s also a small dish rack now suspended from the bottom of the window frame, it has a drip tray so you can put stuff in there to dry without taking up counter space. I also consolidated the knives into one knife block and as most of the utensils are now hanging by the window, I could get rid of one of the two utensil buckets we had on the counter as well.

I’m pleased with how it turned out.


  1. well done... I might borrow some of these ideas :)

  2. Anonymous5:34 pm

    You should be pleased with the outcome... great for a small space!


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